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Dove Tale Writers have banded together because we are addicted. Our drug is the written word. In the privacy of our own psyches, we write about our loves, our demons. We write about our joys, our scars. We write about the places we have been, and the places we hope to go. As one of our Dove Tale authors writes, "There will always be stones to turn and stories to write."
What's the sound of one blog... uh...
Okay, got nothin'.
Hey guys, does this mean every time you post it's up on the DT blog? What do you think, blogger DTaler's? Will that work?
Okay, I'm new to this, so some questions. Does it work the other way around? If WT posts, for example, does it come up on Larry & M@'s blogs? Should this blog be primarily related to writing and writers? Does anyone CARE?? Hey, great blog questions(lol).
It's kinda nice to have a complete posting for people to comment upon by a DoveTaler, rather than pieces. But then, there are only about six of us participating anyway... I'm open to whatever direction our little blog takes, so discuss away! What do you think guys?
Oh, I forgot to say, very funny M@ - the sound of one blog...
Larry sez: the blogs are not interchangeable. M@ and Larry must post specifically to DoveTale. DoveTalers don't post to other blogs, unless they've been included as "partners" or whatever the term is.
All this did is make it so that if they're logged in to Blogger, they don't have to go thru rigmarole of logging in separately to DoveTale.
Larry has noticed that posts and comments are not so far confined to writing. It could be done, but why? This way seems to provide interesting ferment, cross-fertilization, improvisation like Miles blowing on a riff.
Thank you Larry for your explanation.... now I know how this works. When I saw your guys comments this morning, I thought maybe everything you posted on your blog would be automatically posted on DT - but that's not the case. You guys get to pick and choose what you'll entertain us with! Since this is the case, then hey, let's just continue as is! I agree with the concept of cross-fertilzation (lol)!
I wondered too. Still not clear on how you do not have to sign in to dovetalewriters but still can get your post there? When you're in Blogger is there a place to choose, either to go to mental blog or another? I cannot visualize it. But cross-fertilization OK.
I just found out, on my very own, how to go from dovetalewriters to mental blog or to M@. Saw those three postebilities to click on at the top of page.
Larry and M@ are able to post on DoveTale blog because they are already "members" or "users" of Blogger. Ie. they have signed up and have their own blogs and therefore usernames and passwords already. What M@ did was put their usernames into DoveTale as contributors or co-bloggers. So now, when Larry goes to his Dashboard, DoveTale blog appears as one of his blogs along with Mental Blog. He can just click on New Posting for DoveTale and post from there without using the original DoveTale ID and password.
When Xena set up the DoveTale blog she used her own name and then let everybody know the password etc. This was for the sake of simplicity for those who weren't too familiar with this whole blog thing. Anybody can sign up as a member of Blogger and, potentially, do the same thing that M@ did. Sorry, Larry doesn't mean just anybody, but those who know the DoveTale password etc. could do it. In fact, if you were feeling adventurous, you could dick around with the whole look of the blog, change settings and generally mess things up. (Best to leave that to Xena...)(That didn't come out quite know what Larry means...)
This has implications for the administration of the blog, which is why Xena is asking the questions. But we're all adults here. At least, Larry passes for one...most days.
And just a further comment about Larry's earlier comment. In review, most of the postings are in fact writing-related, or, let's say, actual writing. Larry thinks we all know that this was more or less the focus of this blog. Straying now and then is OK, but Larry also believes (tho he stands to be corrected) that he and everyone takes into consideration whether a particular post is appropriate for DoveTale. In Larry's case, that's why he posts more on Mental Blog. Plus, it's his own blog.
BB the World's worst Buddhist is on retreat..
Very funny, BB!
A word to the wise - (that's you, Netty / WT), when you want to delete a posting take care not to delete the Dove Tale blog in its entirety. There is an icon or check off box (can't remember which) closeby inside the site that allows you to do that. It would be easy to Tan Neutrino us all... (lol).
Oops don't wanna do that. We'd end up Lost in Cyber Space.
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