Time & technology march on, dear Bloggers & Blogettes. Welcome to the Blogosphere in the vast Googleverse.

You have now been

Googleized. You will find the atmosphere congenial, if somewhat rarefied. But the overarching goal of the God of Google

is to make your bloginations simpler and funner. Funner? Why, yes!
I'd like to assist you in your quest to determine if the

Google account and password business are working correctly. But I can't. Why? Cuz.
my Google

account and password are working just fine, and since I'm listed as a co-contributor I don't need to log in. Cuz I already am.

Congratulations on having the blog look just the same as it did (except where's the pitcher?) Somehow I couldn't do that with Mental Blog. Anyhow, after the initial strangeness and trying to figure some things out, I'm just as happy with the new format. And I'm sure y'all will inevitably surrender willingly to the soft, all-encompassing embrace of the Googleverse.
Hello bloggeroonies.
Larry sez he discovered something in the creation of this post. You can copy and paste photos (once they've been uploaded). Larry uploaded the Google image, inserted it in the text, then, on an impulse, right-clicked on it to copy and then began pasting. He was pleasantly surprised when it worked.
Of course, it's not that useful a discovery. How many times do you normally want to put the same image in your posting?
Will Wild Thing be able to publish, now? Let's see...
Yes, Wild thing can publish in dovetale same as in mental blog, staying anonymous. Is that supposed to be funner? Well at least I get through now. First tries were boycotted. Boy were they cotted!
You know, I like the Google thing in this blog. And I have no problem posting as "Other" to get the "X" designation. Why Wild Thing can't do it, I have no idea. We'll just have to wait to see what happens when a few other people try to post or comment. Give me a week or two, and I'll talk to a few other DTers to see if they'll help us with this little experiment by commenting.
Larry sez he just discovered something else while reading these comments.
If you put your mouse arrow over the open space beside the names, it changes into a hand. ie. inviting you to click...and when you click, the comment collapses. So you can read them and then collapse them one by one and you know which ones you've read! (That's the only use Larry can think of for this function.)
And then when you click again the comment comes back. There is a line above, to the right that says collapse comment. I tried that out to delete the number person. That's how I found out that it just temporarily disappears.
That's what wild thing said
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