By Whats Shakin'
My dumb smile approach has been kicking in by Thursday and Friday during the workweek. The project I am working on has had the direct involvement of five hundred people consisting of thirty consultants, seventy-five construction workers, two hundred and fifty end users, fifty suppliers, and one hundred neighbours.
Each person has very strong opinions. To manage those opinions, I adopt a level of intensity that drives the project forward. The problem is that the project uses up my energy so that by Wednesday I am running low.
Thus “Dumb Smile” kicks in by Thursday whereby my approach is “ Do no harm.”
I don’t argue, get worked up, or angry. I cut down on all my emotional output and conserve my energy. Hopefully if an important decision needs to be made I can make it on Monday when my thinking mind is fresh.
I feel no shame about adopting a dumb smile. It is a type of courage in a different form. Or so I tell myself.
Reality is relative for each person.
What is the project with such volumous involvement, and does that all rest on you??? Seems to me, the reality is, if you don't adopt a two day "dumb Smile" you'll end up with a permanent one.
Can you get Mental Blog? I've tried to get there to see if Larry came up with something new. but all I get is a black surface.
Larry saw your comment, w.t.
It appears to be because of something he added to the blog which Internet Explorer didn't like, although it worked fine on Firefox.
The offending piece has been removed. But Larry's going to try putting it somewhere else.
BTW, Blogger Help says Firefox is the best browser to use for a satisfying Blogger experience. Cuz they use that themselves...
Larry's tried putting the addition to the blog in another spot, but it just doesn't bring good results on Internet Explorer...
Oh well, guess he'll have to do without it for now...
So are you trying to post something, Larry, that is offensive in terms of content?
Or is it too "fancy" technically?
Something technical in the blog template...trying to add some code...but Larry doesn't know a damn thing about code...second year of high school, he panicked at the beginning of September because he suddenly realized he couldn't remember the combination to his lock.
These are the things that cause such angst among teenagers...or did once upon a time.
Anyway, as Larry says, Firefox understands the attempted addition, but that Microsoft program doesn't.
As for offensive content, Larry sez he could post any damn thing he likes. The computer only sees Ones and Zeros. It's up to the readers to click on the little flag button at the top of the page if they don't like what they see. So far no one's flagged Larry. Larry's under the radar. Larry's subversive content attracts only disgruntled Yanks. Larry would gladly gruntle them, but they usually remain anonymous.
The exact reason why I never buy a bicycle lock or any other with a combination. I'd forget.Also turn numbers around in my head. Like phone numbers. All that number stuff is like a nail on my coffin.
Also 'whatsjemecallit' short forms like BTW. 'sthat a person or a company. I know I've seen it used before but I forget. At least w.t. is only two letters. Or I'd forget my own name.
'slike your addition to the blog went into the black hole, right?
Mysterious. Even though you are searching for a scientific explanation. Ha, ha.
At least the black hole didn't swallow Larry. What'd we do without him??
Firefox is a foxy name. Like it. 's he related to Vulcan? He can forge anything.
For lack of technical knowhow my comments are rather far fetched. As becomes a wild thing...
BTW, WT....
Oops, forgot what I was going to say....
It'll come back to me 'By the By', er, 'By The Way' (BTW)....
Ahhhhhh!!! Why by the way couldn't I think of that? Simple can be so tricky.
Is everyone changing names? Do you have to on the beginning of a new season? I'm sorta attached to wild thing. Can I keep it?
u can keep or discard whatever name you like....
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