Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Friend or Enemy?
A spider bit me on my butt while I was sitting on the throne. Suddenly I feel this lump rising, itchy like crazy. Now I am tolerant of spiders. Say 'hi' to them when they crawl by. Let them be. But when I rose from the toilet and saw this green culprit, I had murderous intentions. One swipe would have landed him (her? Naw I like to think it was male interest) in the toilet bowl swirled away with all that liquid. Would serve him right. But, although I am not Buddhist, I still think a life is a life. I couldn't bite him back on his butt, to teach him a lesson. But I didn't see him as a welcome guest in my house anymore either. I would never put a bug out in winter to freeze to death. Winter would have been a bigger dilemma. But hey, the snow bells and the crocuses are celebrating spring. Yesterday I enjoyed lunch and supper outdoors with friends at my picnic table. Under the umbrella for a bit of protection from that glorious sun. (This umbrella defuses light rather than blocking out the sun.) I brought a few plants out from inside, and a small pot with children-of-the-sun daffodils. I entertained some friends with lunch and with supper. What a day it was! But back to the spider. I picked him up, gave him a scolding, brought him outside, and told him to stay out and not come back with a whole spider family. Well, doesn't quite go with spiders that way, does it. Maybe there is a nest full of eggs somewhere in my house. I think I better check the toilet before I sit down, next time.

Wild Thing


  1. Hey Wild Thing,
    I hope you're still around! Who'd want to leave this world from a bite on the bum?

    A big green spider, you say?

    Did you look it up online to see what is was?

  2. Hey Wild Thing,
    I hope you're still around! Who'd want to leave this world from a bite on the bum?

    A big green spider, you say?

    Did you look it up online to see what is was?

  3. Now isn't that interesting - that last comment posted twice. I'm going to post this comment once to see if it comes up twice...

    Double the trouble.

  4. I'm still here. Suffered through it. It was discomfort plus. A big, hard , swollen area, hurting and itching at the same time. Jeans rubbing against it didn't help. Hydro cortosone cream helped eventually.

    It was just a smallish spider, light green, almost white, with a rather big abdomen. I have seen many in my house, and know now that they have visited me while sleeping also several times. I've had similar bites on my legs and thighs, last summer. Got to keep an eye out for them and expel them when I see them.

    No, I haven't looked them up on line. Never thought of it. Maybe I'll try and see what I come up with.

    Ants give me horrible bites too, you know. Hard to sit on grass with shorts on. Have to put a towel or blanket under me. At least I always assumed they were ants. They could've been spiders too. I know I once ended up in emergency, 'cause red lines spread up and down on my legs from the bitten area.

    If I find the name of that spider, I'll let you know.

    Double trouble only occured once.
