Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blogging ruins chili dinner

There I was, blogging wildly in my head, creating all those witty things I would post in my latest rant - all about why people who go outside their house to work think those who stay in their house to work have much MUCH more time on their hands... that somehow they don't really work... oh, I was rockin' & rollin'... sling-shooting and ping-ponging thoughts... all the while multi-tasking... defrosting hamburger in the micro-wave... nuking away.... Why do people think POETS AND NOVELISTS have all that available time????? And don't people value creative writing as ACTUAL work... rather than hobby???? Smush up defrosted hamburger in bottom of the slow cooker.... find that envelope of chili spice mix amongst all those dirty dishes on my messy counter... Let Farleydog out into the yard to pee.... sprinkle chili mix on smushed meat... open can of diced tomatoes and pour over mix... Why do people think they're gonna write some day in the FUTURE as opposed to RIGHT NOW????? Maybe because it's such hard WORK in the present.... LOLOLOLOL! Plug in slow cooker... fiddle with settings....push low for 8 hours.... clean up counter.... hand wash dishes... find chili mix still in its envelope in a shopping bag???? WHAT DID I PUT IN THE SLOW COOKER????? AND CAN I EAT IT????



  1. MacDonalds is looking good at the moment

  2. OMG, Bobby, McDonalds never looks that good!

  3. As long as it wasn't Drano, you're probably OK.

  4. Actually, BB and I did eat it last night. I woke up as usual... and a coffee was waiting for me, which means BB woke up as usual... so we're still alive... and well... I think... lol.

  5. Larry sez:

    BB? X? Are you there?

    It's been 2 days...are you still there? Here?

    And what about Wild Thing? Has she found her way out of the Comments labyrinth?

  6. Hey Larry, I'm still waiting to hear back from WT. M@ was going to her house to do some work on her computer - add a new battery, I believe - and he's also going to take a look at the blog...

  7. Hey, what kind of bloody computer did M@ buy there, anyway, that needs a new battery so soon? It seems to Larry that WT has suffered from ongoing computeritis for nearly a year!
