Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wereld Dieren Dag

Word is confused. Doesn't recognize Dutch words in its English program. But the thing is, that I was wondering about a supposedly world wide day for animals. “World Animal Day?” I have never heard it mention, here in Canada. (And I've been here for a while,.LOL!) Still, tomorrow, October 4, is “Wereld Dieren Dag.” I decided to look it up on the web. Since I did not know a name for it here. I typed in the Dutch words. Sure enough I found some info on a Children's Center where they celebrate the above mentioned day. I read it all in Dutch. The funny part is, that it took me a while before I realized that I was actually reading Dutch. I was just taking in the information.

So, is there anyone who knows about a day for animals that's celebrated world wide? With special programs? You are supposed to be extra nice to your pets, farm animals, etc. Like you are supposed to be nice to your mother on Mother's Day, to your father on Father's day, to your secretary on Secretary Day, to your nose on Nose Day... oh no, that hasn't been invented yet.

Wild Thing

1 comment:

  1. Guess what? I googled World Animal Day,October 4th, and a ton of info came up. Here's some:


    Do Something Special Today for the Animals in your Life

    World Animal Day - Mission Statement
    To celebrate animal life in all its forms
    To celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom
    To acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives – from being our companions, supporting and helping us, to bringing a sense of wonder into our lives
    To acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our lives
    World Animal Day takes place every year on 4 October. Animal welfare groups, sanctuaries and individuals throughout the world hold special events to heighten public awareness of animal issues and to encourage people to think about how we as humans relate to animals.

    Be part of something special and find out how you can get involved in World Animal Day 2007.

    Brought to you by Wild Thing
