Thursday, June 28, 2007

Congratulations Marianne!

Congratulations to Marianne Paul
on the publication of her novel
Tending Memory
June 21, 2007


  1. Thank you to the writer who posted the bit about my book. Larry? I like the entry so much I've decided not to post - just to keep it at the top of the "play list" for a bit longer....

    I'm in Ottawa at the national conference of the Canadian Authors Association - sitting in a bed that is like an ocean - pillows propped up behind me - pecking away at my laptop. The wireless connection isn't good here, and I've become known as the person who wanders the foyer with open laptop in her arms, searching for the best "hot spot" to check my email....

    Went to a great session on blogging yesterday. Hey, Dove Tale writers - I think we should give it another try - keep an active blog. We just need to get Wild Thing online again to do that...

    Hell, there's eleven or so of us. Surely we can post sporadically?

    The book launch in Kitchener for Tending Memory was so much fun - thank you guys. I should have photos posted online at my website shortly.

    Oh, btw, Larry, Michael Geist was a speaker at the conference - he is being sued because of his blog - third person comments... he and a few other speakers had thought-provoking things to say about copyright and censorship - a totally different view than writers often hold (who often want to clutch every right tightly to themselves).

  2. Well, I am back, I think. Loved Marianne's book launch!!! What a wonderful evening. Interesting from beginning to end. The socializing, the reading, the slides, the gypsy music, the dancing, (way to go Larry and Sam!)and a free wine glass. So cool! I put the wineglass besides my sister's picture. My sister passed away in June. I was with her all of May. (In Holland). Spent all those weeks on her side in the hospital. I think I got to know her better than I've had a chance to all the rest of my life. With a five-year age difference, the second world war, the early death of our parents, each of us living in different countries, we relied a lot on correspondence.

    Why did I put the wine glass besides my sister's picture? Well it seemed fitting. She loved wine and considered herself a connoiseur. Once for her birthday I sent her a T-shirt from the Seagram Museum with the text, "Life is too short to drink cheap wine". She loved it and wore it to shreds.

    If I never have to see Holland again, I wouldn't mind. It's too small, and too polluted. Only some Northern provinces still have the old Dutch charm and the cleanliness the Dutch used to be famous for. Beautiful, old farms with straw roofs. One day I had the chance to travel there with a friend who drove.

    Still the only reason I'd ever still go back would be to visit my old school friend, who I didn't have a chance to see this time. If she could come to Canada, so much the better.

    Boy do I love Canada. My old school friend lived a long time in Australia. When I visited he in Holland, three years ago, we both laughed at what were supposed to be woods. To us they were parks.

    To go back to Marianne's Book, I read the whole book in one go for the first time and truly enjoyed it. I was left with some questions, but my poor old, senior mind cannot remember now what they were. So, I will recover that after the summer, and ask the questions later. Summer is too much fun. I am too busy camping, sleeping under- and gazing at stars, watching sunsets and listening to all those wonderful summer sounds.

    Hope you all are enjoying your summer too. In the fall we will meet again with new stories.

    Wild Thing

  3. Has Larry's blog changed? I cannot seem to find a spot to respond or comment to the blogs?
    Anyone has an answer to that? It may be my computer that is confused. With a new hard drive having been put in, I meet with a lot of irregularities.

    wild thing

  4. Hi WT, good to have you back. Thanks for you kind words about my launch and book. I'm still in Keswick. Did I tell you that I am rewriting The Shunning? Big job *smile*. It will be published in November or December with a new title and cover... and content changed in many ways, but the same story. Just from the perspective of fifteen years of writing and life under my belt. Or under my keystroke fingers....

    You enjoy the summer, create memories and experiences for all that wonderful writing you'll do in the fall and winter.

  5. I've been trying to comment. One night, days ago. Had it all written and got disconnected and my writing disappeared with it. So frustrating. Tried to reconnect. wouldn't work. I give it a try now. Only I forget what I wrote before. I think it was a comment on Marianne republishing her book under another name. Meanwhile I managed to get an e-mail through to her. Such a neat new title for the Shunning. How different to rework a book, and republish it. Never heard of that done before. Cool. Brave too, to tackle that. Don't know if I would have the patience to do that. Considering I'd try to get published in the first place.

    I hope I get the computer going good and not limping, like now. Or find a new computer. Need to do something when summer ends and fall and winter days come. Right now I am enjoying the outdoors with all my being and really not missing computy much.

    Just coming in to let you all know that I am still round and want to keep in touch and the writing and the blogging going.

    Enjoy the rest of the summer, everyone,

    wild thing.

  6. Still cannot get Larry's mental blogging page, with a place to comment. What I get has no line underneath to do so. Oh well Larry, one of these years I'll figure it out. Logic don't work.

    wild thing
