Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rapid Reply to WT's Untitled Pome

this yearly trek

thru arctic freeze
is no adventure
no historic quest
north pole is not
my ultimate goal
no byrd no peary
no franklin northwest passage

dull day grey
is tiresome
the cycle makes me
weep for change
sun is relief
all too brief
in february march
of ontario southwest passage

(Meanwhile, Larry sez, hey, what up wid dis blog? He & WT, WT & He, rappin to deyself! Ain't no otha pieces of DoveTale to avail?)


  1. yeah, it's such a delight to watch.....lolololoolol!!!!!!

  2. wandering or
    should i say tripping
    the sharp edges of
    winter arctic
    wind taking little
    bites out of
    my face

    slip sliding along
    neck breaking
    so a dog can

    sun is out looking
    want to run
    want to race to
    laurel creek

    no not north pole
    no not south pole
    not my dream
    although i do like

    then surprise
    coming home
    tripping still
    looking down
    what do i see

    a hint of spring
    peeking around a clump of
    snow, unmistakably
    a show of
    brave little snowdrops

  3. ah you see
    that was me
    hee hee hee

  4. ... the bit about the wind taking little bites out of your face. well said. all of it, actually.

    yes, winter returns...
