Saturday, January 20, 2007

Information, Facts & Spinning

First, spin news stories that will put a cause in a good light; second, play down stories that will harm the cause; and third, neutralize rivals through whatever tactic that works, no matter how untrue.

Karl Rove, the man behind the president spins information for self-serving political survival of a radical right wing agenda. The talking Head for the White House is Tony Snow.

The most recent spinning aimed at moderate voices comes from Press Secretary Tony Snow. Absolutely despicable!

The most recent Snow job from Tony is that basically any discussion that questions the White House's plan in Iraq will aid terrorism.

In other words to discuss democratic ideas for solutions to the Iraq war is UNAMERICAN.

It’s like trying to advert your eyes to an upcoming car crash. There is a morbid fascination.


  1. Since Larry has managed to visit this posting before the comment above was deleted, as he is sure it will be, he's allowed to say: If you click on this link, then the terrorists win.

    The spam terrorists, that is.

    If you come to this page after it's deleted, you didn't miss much. You're just out of "luck0037".

  2. The last time we were intruded upon there was a trash can beside the comments. This time they are missing. How can I delete it? I tried to collaps it. That gets it out of sight but it is still there.

  3. Trying to find the dust bins.

  4. trying to find the dust bins

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I don't seem to be able to add comments in this blog. I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to delete it. Trash cans have disappeared from the column.

  7. I've changed the moderator to be "unenabled." See if this works, WT.

  8. Use Other to make a comment. The google/Blogger account can be done I think under my email address. I'll try.

  9. Okay, that works. Use other to go in under WT. To comment as DT, use the info I sent you in a previous email.

  10. You'll see WT I also got rid of the comment that bothered you. If you stay patient with me (I get busy sometimes and don't always get around to blogging) I'll dump such things through the adminstrator name thru my email.

  11. What I ment was check off the "other" bix and then write in WT where it says name. Then click publish your comment. That doesn't work?

  12. LOLOLOL! Obviously I didn't proof what I wrote, but you get what I mean! Substitute meant and box!

  13. 'tain't working no way. Maybe Google doesn't like wild things. Maybe I should try another name. Even when I use anonymous, every time I have to click away that box about unsafe materials, before I can get through.Maybe I should try one with terrorist and when that is rejected, try one with peace keeper. OK my imagination tends to run away with me...

  14. 9d6jQk write more, thanks.

  15. Please write anything else!

  16. Please write anything else!

  17. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  18. Please write anything else!

  19. Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  20. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

  21. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

  22. Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  23. A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
